You are currently viewing Emergency Information Systems Product Designer Developer Jared Therrien Show 051

Emergency Information Systems Product Designer Developer Jared Therrien Show 051

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0:00you’re listening to the listen up show
0:01dart up entrepreneur podcast I’m
0:03Mitchell Chad row your host today on
0:05show zero five one we’re here with Jared
0:08Aryan founder emergency information to
0:11star we going to learn today well we’re
0:13going to learn about emergency
0:14information systems how it was designed
0:17developed and how they actually spell
0:19their product the importance of reducing
0:20emergency response times by providing
0:23missing information during an incident
0:25to responding personnel to see a problem
0:27then ask yourself specific questions
0:30that will help your end users solve
0:31their issues and how to find your
0:33customer outfit on your idea wake up
0:35every day I started out by spending 15
0:39minutes a day as a high school student
0:40running track going for my Eagle Scout
0:43I was busy not as busy as I am today by
0:45back in a day thought oh this course and
0:48I just sat down I said 15 minute today
0:50and made most out of every single day to
0:52get to where I am now where I know who
0:55my customer is I know what my pricing is
0:57I know what my product is that’s where
0:58everyone really wants to get to friends
1:03your business it’s your family that
1:05you’re like let’s get started please
1:08sign up in my email list for the latest
1:10special offers exclusive for our listen
1:13up show startup entrepreneur podcast
1:15audience at Mitchell Chad rokosz sign up
1:19I have been providing business advice
1:20resources in hell to entrepreneurs for
1:23over 20 years and I’m looking forward to
1:25helping all of you sign up for my email
1:27list again at Mitchell Chad Road comm
1:30slash sign up I will provide you with
1:32all transcript or each interview my
1:34ebook 30 tools to start off the startup
1:37checklist and many other education and
1:39training material all back at Mitchell
1:41Chad Road comm slash sign I’ll enjoy the
1:45show John how you doing this morning
1:46very good Mitchell how about yourself
1:48excellent you know Gerry in real estate
1:50we always hear the mantra location
1:52location location
1:54but location is just not important for
1:56real estate apparently it’s also the
1:58single most important piece of
2:00information that emergency response
2:02personnel need to know so can you tell
2:04us a little bit about that absolutely so
2:07location is absolutely the most
2:09important thing that we need to know
2:11imagine you call 911
2:12one and you know we don’t know where you
2:14are and we can’t come and help you and
2:16that’s actually one of the biggest
2:18pieces of information we try to provide
2:20to emergency responders through our
2:22product who tell us how the the idea
2:25came about God started sure so this
2:27process still been going on offer about
2:30five years now I’m sorry as a project in
2:33high school basically what happened was
2:35I was a volunteer firefighter in
2:37Newington Connecticut where I’m and I
2:39was also a student at a mangas all over
2:42in Connecticut and when the Sandy Hook
2:45shooting occurred in Newtown Connecticut
2:46short 45-minute Drive or my home and
2:49goal because of my unique perspective as
2:52a volunteer firefighter and a student I
2:55got to see at a unique perspective into
2:58all the changes they were airing with
3:00all the murderers on Raza and school
3:02security in respond to that individual I
3:06got to the just a lot of really cool
3:08things happening but I noticed that in
3:10my research of those incident and many
3:13other incidents around the globe first
3:15responders lacked a lot of vital
3:16information they needed to respond to
3:18the incidents effectively so we’d show
3:21up basically we get a 9-1-1 call and
3:23then just be like hey show up to this
3:24location show up to this address and we
3:27have no idea what’s going on it could be
3:28an active shooter could be a medical
3:30emergency you name it so what we’d show
3:33up and we wouldn’t know what’s going on
3:34we wouldn’t be able to go into the
3:35building as you know as quickly as
3:38possible and emergency response process
3:41would just be relatively slow so what I
3:43ended up doing was I started as a high
3:46school project and as my senior thesis
3:49really and I started to research the
3:51problem and then it ended up over a
3:53couple years developing into a start up
3:56at college we’re in the Drexel
3:58University biota incubator it’s just
4:00kind of developed over time into a two
4:03product line as you mentioned earlier
4:05the decal and the hardware product how
4:07did you get interested in wanting to
4:09become a firefighter well I wanted to do
4:12something I mean I was a boy scout and I
4:15made my Eagle Scout I was really
4:18involved with community service in
4:19Middle School in high school but I kind
4:21of wanted to take it a step further bomb
4:23actually originally wanted to be a pilot
4:26in the air
4:26for Saab but my parents were kind of
4:28like that’s a little danger so they said
4:31no maybe we’ll throw you in to bring
4:32burning buildings instead so I handed
4:35I’m cutting something little something a
4:37little easier corrected or you learn a
4:40lot of a lot of people don’t realize how
4:43difficult it truly is to go through the
4:45Eagle Scout process and to become an
4:48Eagle Scout can you can you tell us some
4:51of the things that you’ve learned there
4:53the lessons that you’ve learned that
4:55you’re using to help you in this actual
4:58start off sure um there was I mean it
5:00just from the merit badges alone you
5:02gain a lot of knowledge
5:03um but it really all comes down to that
5:06Eagle project huh yeah personally for me
5:09I did SAT prep simulus packages we
5:12called them for underprivileged to so I
5:14worked with a Human Services Department
5:16in my hometown and I sent out all of the
5:20scouts door-to-door pick up school
5:22supplies which was intact into donated
5:24backpack we distributed them to the
5:26students that need so in that process I
5:29was so used to doing things my way and
5:31you know if you want things done
5:33correctly do adult work um but that’s
5:35just so much war view in a month and a
5:38half we started in like late August and
5:40we needed them for September at the
5:41start of school so it was like you know
5:43we really gotta get moving here what I
5:45learned was delegation is key you have
5:47to have a good team behind you you have
5:49doubts or
5:51employees art of that know what they’re
5:53doing but you know have special skills
5:55and you need to be able to delegate
5:57chata them so that you can work as a
5:58team and get things done to clean
6:00correctly the first time you have this
6:02interest in becoming a firefighter and
6:04it was um being a firefighter and seeing
6:07some of the problems and the issues in
6:09terms of the information that you were
6:11getting but the lack of that information
6:13that’s made a light bulb come on and say
6:15aha maybe there’s a problem here that I
6:17call sort of go a little bit deeper into
6:20how the company how you actually said
6:23okay this is how I’m going to go about
6:25solving this problem well as I said it
6:28did start as a high school project and
6:32so originally I didn’t have any real
6:35product design education right now I’m a
6:38product design major at
6:39Drexel University at the Westfall design
6:42school and so I just want about it as
6:45any you know relatively uneducated high
6:48school scene in the field would do I
6:50just kind of went out there I mean in a
6:52primitive sense I was looking at who was
6:54the customer who was the market what the
6:57actual problem was as times gone on
6:59we’ve actually when I started out the
7:02startup I’m as a high school student and
7:04then as an early college student I just
7:06went out and I talked to firefighters
7:08and the response personnel and I asked
7:11them you know what do you actually need
7:12tell me or reality it was all about
7:14creating a reality around what do they
7:16actually experience you know the media
7:19actually portrayed it early well a lot
7:21of there were a lot of parallels and
7:22what they were saying and what I already
7:24heard as far as you information not
7:27being made available for that and so I
7:29just threw I’d say over a hundred maybe
7:32even close to 200 interviews with all
7:34these different people I got to learn
7:36about what you know what it was that was
7:38going on and that’s kind of how I
7:39approached it to begin with as time went
7:42on I got a little bit more Andrew Drexel
7:44I learned a lot more I learned a lot
7:47more advanced interview technique as far
7:50as heuristic analyses of products which
7:52we actually used in a recent competition
7:55we learned that activities with your
7:57users are very important so people can
7:59tell you what they want the customer
8:01doesn’t always know what they want but
8:02if you put a product in front of their
8:04hands or I take a first responder and I
8:06say hey let’s actually go into that
8:08building and pretend like we’re going to
8:10rescue someone you learn a lot more
8:13things and you learn some different
8:15things than what they originally told
8:16you by doing an activity to really get
8:20in their head and see exactly what it is
8:22they would do in that situation
8:24and that might further define the
8:27project further design the product and
8:29figure out more problems they need to
8:31solve so it might seem obvious because
8:35we’ve been obviously talking about the
8:36first responders the firefighters but
8:38who really is your customer is an
8:41interesting question there’s a lot of
8:43different stakeholders in this purchase
8:45process for a product like this our
8:48customer the actual buyer is the school
8:51district user
8:53you know and at different levels would
8:55be stupid could be the teachers and it
8:57could be the returning armies tell me
8:59about how you you made the leap from
9:01firefighters and first responders to a
9:04school district being the sort of the
9:07purchaser and then you know the students
9:10as being then the ultimate people to
9:12purchase the various products and
9:15tell me tell me a little bit about that
9:17so originally our our goal was just
9:21reduce emergency response times that was
9:23the goal and so we started developing we
9:28basically through our research
9:29discovered that it would be easiest to
9:32have eyes in the classroom to relay
9:35information over to first responders and
9:38so immediately that involves the school
9:41you’re putting something in a school so
9:44we started developing this product for
9:47classrooms and then it’s kind of this
9:51weird process but the usually it starts
9:54at the teacher the student level PTA
9:57maybe they’ll kind of bring the product
9:59up to the administration or if you’re
10:03just district has a security adviser the
10:08security advisors can also be reached to
10:10other channels such as trade exposition
10:15trainings education for you know
10:17industry specific certifications and
10:20it’s any sort of trade show like that we
10:23can also do a display or reach them but
10:25basically instant pre ya know what I was
10:28going to say is help help the audience
10:30appreciate the the actual products
10:32themselves I mean I know one is called
10:34wayfinder safety system you have others
10:36that are that are window decals maybe by
10:40explaining the actual products
10:42you know would be a big benefit to to to
10:45the audience appreciating just exactly
10:47what it is that you’re providing so how
10:50does the company actually solve this
10:52prompter so we have two different
10:54product lines we have the wayfinder
10:56safety system which is comprised of
10:59safety decals reflective safety details
11:01we also have the rapid system rapid
11:04stands for response accelerating
11:06in point information device that’s our
11:08trademark name that’s a piece of
11:10security hardware that goes in the
11:13classroom either in the window or on the
11:15wall which scans for stimuli of
11:18incidents occurring in a classroom and
11:21it also forwards any pertinent
11:24information to first responders to
11:25increase their situational awareness and
11:27consequently reduce emergency response
11:30our decals are reflective interior mount
11:34decals which help with exterior
11:37wayfinding on the outside of the
11:40so this valuable information that I keep
11:43talking about for first responders
11:44needing to know basically in layman’s
11:48terms it’s who what when where why now
11:51where am I going
11:52who am I talking to what’s going on and
11:55so the first part of that is location
11:58location location and that’s what the
12:00decals solve normally well explain it
12:04you know yeah I was going to dive a
12:07little bit deeper have you had a school
12:10district then purchased these these
12:12products and solutions from you today
12:14right now we have a pilot installment
12:18going on in the Hartford School District
12:21we hope to do another one soon and we’re
12:25in talks with another another couple
12:28schools actually in the Philadelphia
12:30region in Bucks County area where we’re
12:33going to be doing hopefully a full
12:35fledged installment where we’re being
12:37paid to do so so let’s do a deep dive
12:40here to tell me tell me how you actually
12:42got into Hartford so in other words you
12:45contacted the school district and you’ve
12:48created this pilot program can you take
12:51us through from start – to up-to-date
12:54right now so that we understand and
12:56appreciate the process in terms of who’s
12:59purchasing it ie that the school
13:01district and how you’re then working
13:03with the students to help you you know
13:06in addition to that to help you make the
13:10purchases as well absolutely so one rule
13:15of thumb that I used was start kind of
13:18where you’re familiar
13:20you have a connection somewhere it’s not
13:22a bad idea to do a pilot there because
13:25things are going to go wrong and you
13:27don’t necessarily want to do that with a
13:29quote-unquote real customer that you
13:32don’t know very well so I threw my
13:34involvement in the high schools over
13:38there as well as my project was more or
13:42less well known with the directors of
13:44security even up higher up at the Board
13:46of Education I used those connections I
13:49knew back in high school I just sent
13:50them an email so you see the principal I
13:53said hey you know I haven’t taken this
13:56project to the next level I have a more
13:58refined product would you mind if I came
14:01in that tested it at the school and they
14:04said of course sure and we’d be happy to
14:07and so really it was just as simple as
14:10an email and of course there was you
14:12know some some legal things that we had
14:14to take care of and a couple questions I
14:17had to answer but we set up a project
14:18starting and end date and then you know
14:23in the background I’ve learned how to
14:25install these decals how to make them
14:27the entire process related to educate
14:30myself on the entire thing to answer all
14:32of their questions and once they felt
14:34comfortable we set up those dates and I
14:37went in and I put them up they’ve been
14:40up for a couple months now and so the
14:43process now is you know catching up to
14:47the current date here we plan on taking
14:51those out and either doing a whole
14:54selection installment there or we might
14:56do another revision unfortunately due to
15:00a number of things that we learn during
15:02this installation we we won’t be able to
15:06use that material that we put up as of
15:09right now let me talk about our material
15:13also it’s a little bit about the
15:14manufacturing process in terms of the
15:16actual materials themselves what
15:19actually goes into this and and how are
15:21you affording to sort of you know
15:24install and with all the costs that are
15:26involved especially given that it’s a
15:29pilot I don’t know
15:30you are you getting revenue back then
15:33from this pilot at this point to talk to
15:35us about the costs and the revenue model
15:38here and the material that are going
15:39into the the manufacturing process sure
15:43I can’t touch too much on the actual
15:46materials as that’s proprietary but what
15:49I can say is we use high-intensity
15:52prismatic reflective vinyl which is
15:56meant to be highly visible in adverse
15:58conditions at night
16:01basically you shine a– you know
16:03firefighters flashlights at it and the
16:05lights up like a Christmas tree all of
16:07these solutions are meant to be highly
16:09visible as far as the cost of this pilot
16:12we are handling the costs all ourselves
16:18it’s completely free to the customer as
16:21it is just a pilot trial installation
16:24and that kind of gives us added
16:27flexibility where we can take them out
16:29we can put different things up because
16:31they don’t have to worry about a cloth
16:33well tell us a little bit about the cost
16:35how are you affording as a start-up to
16:37be able to do this have you have you
16:39raised money do you have investors you
16:42have backers you have other team members
16:44that are coming on to sort of assist you
16:46in this I’m very fortunate to be a
16:50student at Drexel Truxel is it’s just an
16:53awesome University and through the close
16:55School of entrepreneurship I’ve been
16:57offered the Entrepreneurship co-op for
17:01those that aren’t familiar the co-op
17:02program is a six-month internship of
17:05sorts where you can go out and get
17:07real-world experience it’s a whole half
17:10year where you can go and get a job with
17:12a real company and gave that great
17:14experience I was fortunate enough
17:16through this close school to be granted
17:19the Entrepreneurship co-op which allows
17:21you to work for your own business
17:23for six months to work on developing and
17:27whatnot and I chose during the six
17:30months to take the funding money that
17:33they gave us they give you a grant of
17:35$15,000 I chose to put that money
17:39towards this pilot and developing the
17:41detail product so this pilot
17:45was funded in part by that $15,000 grant
17:50for the coal school you mentioned you
17:53mentioned trademarks and I it’s ounds as
17:57if you you worked with a legal team
17:59there talk to us a little bit about your
18:01legal team and how you’re affording that
18:04and talk to us since you weren’t able to
18:06specifically mention more details about
18:09the materials and do you have a patent
18:12are you filing a patent can you can you
18:14tell us about that process
18:16sure intellectual properties
18:19intellectual property is really
18:21important for any startup I’m really
18:24giving an upper leg over everyone else
18:26use your competitive advantage but it’s
18:31also important to keep it cheap and kind
18:35of bootstraps so you can save your money
18:36and really really give your money a lot
18:40of mileage so what I chose to do was I
18:43went with a pro bono service there’s a
18:45lot of universities around Philadelphia
18:47I personally went up to Connecticut and
18:49I work with University of Connecticut
18:51intellectual property Law Clinic but
18:55they happen to be pros goldner they hold
18:57the intellectual so in Hartford
19:00Connecticut is called the intellectual
19:02it’s called the icy law clinic
19:05intellectual property law clinic and who
19:07are you working with here in that regard
19:09I couldn’t give you a specific name
19:14there’s tons of students that come in
19:15and out and I kind of switch around
19:18attorneys a lot so you know do you have
19:20a provisional patent at this point at
19:23this point we just did the trademark and
19:26the reason for that is all the decal
19:31solutions even though we’re using a
19:33proprietary manufacturing process and
19:36limited production materials that we
19:39need special agreements with the
19:40producers to get the assembly and other
19:44parts of the product itself are
19:46considered obvious and therefore
19:48unpatentable for the hardware product
19:53which we haven’t really touched on yet
19:55that hardware product
19:58is also using a lot of components that
20:01you could get off the shelf so to speak
20:04so by combining all these different
20:06products the product self in its
20:10assembly is considered obvious and
20:12therefore unpatentable however the
20:15electronic process that all of these
20:18parts of the product do to work together
20:20and actually you know make the product
20:22as it stands is unique and therefore
20:25that electronic process detectable under
20:28are you in the process of talking with
20:31with the intellectual property service
20:33in Hartford to help you move forward
20:37with that and how do you come up with
20:39the C even though their their service is
20:42free there’s still a C a filing fee for
20:46the patent itself when the time comes
20:49we’ll certainly be considering them as a
20:51partner in that endeavor um so far again
20:56I’ve been using that at Drexel
20:59Entrepreneurship co-op grant of $15,000
21:02- so you have in jest
21:04I haven’t used all that right you
21:06haven’t used all the funds up for this
21:08particular pilot program correct no now
21:11we still have some left
21:13that will be how’d it work how did the
21:14students in the school district then
21:16work with you in other words I see how
21:19the School District is the one that’s
21:21making this particular purchase from you
21:23but how do the how do you then involve
21:25the students that they’re not the
21:27students themselves help but they’re not
21:30the ultimate purchaser of your product
21:32and solution correct no they are not the
21:36the school that the board of education
21:39or in a private school the consortium or
21:43perhaps even just the Board of Trustees
21:45at the symbol singular school makes that
21:48purchasing decision and ends up writing
21:51the check so to speak but when we win
21:54some yeah you’re going to say about the
21:57students the students do have a bit of
22:00lobbying power as far as their own
22:02safety if they are aware of our products
22:05that can bring them to the attention of
22:07teachers and the administration over at
22:11Drexel there used to be
22:12a public safety Student Advisory Board
22:15so something along those lines where
22:18those students are representing the
22:20student body and they can identify
22:22emergency problems which could be a way
22:25for products like mine to make it into
22:27schools like that if they’re on the
22:30radar I’m all very familiar with the
22:33Bucks County in Philadelphia markets as
22:35I’ve grown up here in this area so can
22:37you can you talk to us about you know
22:39when you eventually do try to get into
22:43those those locations what something
22:47like this is going to cost what it what
22:49is your revenue model actually look like
22:51going forward we have a business to
22:56business model of course going into the
22:59school district um the entire purchase
23:03process I kind of touched on a little
23:06bit earlier basically the products are
23:09brought to the attention of the director
23:11of security either through the students
23:15and teachers and the administration at
23:16the school level or through some sort of
23:19tradeshow and Expo or some other
23:22industry training where we have a whole
23:25bunch of companies advertising all at
23:28one at that point that that security
23:33director brings it up the food chain
23:35shall we say getting approval from the
23:38you know financial and budgetary all the
23:42way up through the board and
23:44superintendent to approve this and put
23:47it through to the schools as far as
23:52pricing I’m not I’m not entirely sure
23:55how to answer your question well yet I
24:01mean a ludic attractive idea set of a
24:03proprietary manufacturing process so you
24:07you obviously are working with somebody
24:09I believe what here in the United States
24:11to help you manufacture these particular
24:14products and the hardware that you had
24:16alluded to earlier so you know talk to
24:20us about you know the cost and what you
24:22hope to then sell the product open it
24:25to the school districts for sure I guess
24:32the big picture is the gross the growth
24:35you know what kind of gross revenue are
24:36we talking about and how do you sort of
24:39scale this and ramp this up over time so
24:44right now where we are manufacturing all
24:46of the details ourselves we have the
24:49machinery and capacity to do so at this
24:52quantity right now
24:53as we ramp up well we’ll probably
24:57subcontract that out the hardware
25:00products will be manufactured by
25:02contract manufacturers we plan on
25:05manufacturing all the components
25:07probably overseas to keep the cost down
25:11and then we will bring them over here
25:13and assemble them here any now you
25:15haven’t done the hardware for the you
25:17haven’t done the hardware product for
25:19the the Hartford School District at this
25:21point now we’re actually looking at a
25:24couple of other schools that are
25:26interested in that there are some
25:29logistical issues in dealing with larger
25:32districts and that you know with
25:34budgetary and and just the sheer size of
25:37them and the the hardware product is a
25:41completely different ball game as far as
25:43installation of course and cloth there
25:47are other schools that have expressed
25:48interest in the Bucks County area and
25:51installing the hardware product and
25:53there were actually some universities
25:56I’ll say have also been interested so
25:59we’re working on getting into those for
26:02the hardware product it’s also a matter
26:04of convenience as well you know I’m down
26:08at Drexel so I’m looking for a school
26:10very close by where I can go and look at
26:12this system every day and monitor it
26:15when you when you mentioned proprietary
26:18manufacturing process the first thought
26:21that came to my mind was you were
26:22working with someone outside of yourself
26:25so the fact that you’re actually sort of
26:27doing it in-house so to speak what makes
26:29it so proprietary in terms of the the
26:34process because it sounds as if you know
26:36the patent that we just talked about was
26:38not for a
26:39that or a process of the way it’s
26:41actually manufactured so what’s
26:43proprietary about it um the material
26:50we’re using the process itself is not
26:59proprietary honestly I would rather not
27:04disclose anything about this that the
27:08process or the materials on the show
27:12yeah that that’s fine you know like I
27:15said I know I know that when when the
27:18audience is listening at home it’s
27:20helpful to them just just due to the
27:23fact that you know as they’re sitting
27:26and thinking about their own products
27:28and their own solutions you know it
27:31helps sort of take them in to the to the
27:34to the story a little bit deeper but
27:36that’s fine we can we can keep moving so
27:39I mean well I will say I can say this in
27:42in in response to that I can kind of go
27:45into where I’m coming from in that
27:48regard which might help them with their
27:51own startups one thing I learned the one
27:54thing that I learned was you know when I
27:57started out this project of the high
27:58school student I’d make everyone sign a
28:01nondisclosure agreement I would never
28:04tell anyone anything about my products
28:06and I realized once I start kind of
28:08letting things out there and speaking
28:11especially to professionals who knew
28:12what they were talking about told them
28:14about my products I realized hey they’re
28:16not going to steal my idea I actually
28:19ended up learning a lot about my process
28:22and my products and my customer and so
28:27that was very helpful in the development
28:29once you’re trying to get to that
28:30development stage and you have that
28:32final solution that’s when you kind of
28:34want to start holding your cards close
28:37to your chest again because now you’ve
28:40got your here in the realm of other
28:42companies and competitors looking at
28:46similar solutions you don’t want to
28:47really give away your
28:51give away your materials or your process
28:54or any of your intellectual property
28:56that takes away your your competitive
29:00advantage against them that’s why I’m
29:03going to run with all of this that’s
29:06great you also mentioned on your website
29:08a lot of different resources I know that
29:11you’ve already talked about the the
29:13co-op grant money that you’ve received
29:15the 15,000 and I know that you alluded
29:18to the fact of you know competitions
29:20have you have you gone into any
29:22competitions have you sort of gained
29:25additional revenue from from other means
29:27and maybe that would be helpful not only
29:30in terms of what you’ve been able to do
29:32but but in other people out there
29:34thinking about how they can sort of
29:36continue to get additional revenue
29:38outside of just their their you know
29:41inside their own family and friends sure
29:47Beata the biotic Institute and the
29:50closed school is really great at
29:52forwarding resources that they find to
29:55students and college students across the
30:00Philadelphia area really have great
30:03advantages being in the city and in you
30:06know you can even did the Delaware River
30:08Valley this entire area has a ton of
30:12accelerator programs incubators fast
30:14pitch competition and it’s trying to
30:18like just like scholarships you just
30:20have to go out and find the money and
30:21apply for it or in this case compete for
30:25it and there is money there for you and
30:27it’s not just limited to school startups
30:31there’s tons of public programs which
30:34are aimed toward small businesses in the
30:37area as well personally we’ve applied
30:40through of course the Drexel coop but we
30:44also competed in a number of fastpitch
30:47competitions around the city we just won
30:51second place in the biota incubators
30:55business model competition where we
30:57validated some of the design decisions
30:59and pricing that we did for the decals
31:01and for our hardware product and we’ve
31:05pitch at drexel startup day they had a
31:08sixty second pitch round as well as a
31:12number of external competition and
31:15accelerators that were currently
31:17applying for which will provide further
31:19funding for further pilots and product
31:21of them of their a fast pitch
31:23Mitchell Chad Road comm slash books for
31:27books audiobooks guest recommendations
31:30and the books that I read to start off
31:33each day sponsors are fast pitch my book
31:36club recommendations back at Mitchell
31:39Chad Road comm slash books to see more
31:42of my recommendations and
31:43recommendations of our guests just go to
31:45Mitchell Chad Road comm slash books it’s
31:48your number one resource for book
31:50reviews and recommendation what book
31:53could you recommend to thee that’s great
31:55in our next round we actually call it
31:58our fast pitch where I ask you some
31:59really fast questions you just tell me
32:02the first kind of thing that kind of
32:03comes to your mind and it gives our
32:05audience a little bit of a another
32:08dynamic of Jarrod other than just you in
32:11business so can you recommend for the
32:13audience a book yes I’m currently
32:18reading you are a badass at making money
32:23that’s by Jen’s and Sarah um I just I
32:28was actually at a thrift store and his
32:30bright green like no that’s an
32:32interesting title and picked it up um
32:34and you know as funny as it sounds she’s
32:38a great writer she’s hilarious but she
32:41basically demystifies making money you
32:45know it’s kind of difficult for me
32:47especially I’m really passionate about
32:49this problem in a social
32:52entrepreneurship aspect and it’s
32:55difficult to charge for products that
32:57are are making such an impact in
32:59people’s lives
33:00and this kind of demystifies and it says
33:03you know you’re offering your expertise
33:05and your services you shouldn’t feel bad
33:08about that kind of thing
33:10um and it was just talking about money
33:13with friends money being this taboo
33:16subject it’s just an
33:18object it’s just a currency it’s not a
33:20big deal and it basically just
33:23demystifies all that and makes it just a
33:25regular subject to talk about as well
33:27we’re really big apps so if you could
33:31suggest one that would be terrific
33:33sure I think Instagram is a big one
33:37Instagram marketing has really taken off
33:40in the past six months or so it’s just a
33:44really great platform to get visuals of
33:47your products out in front of people
33:50what’s the best business advice you’ve
33:52ever received asks for forgiveness not
33:56permission I use it hold it I use it all
34:01the time who do you use to host your
34:03website I currently do all my web
34:06development and hosting through
34:08Squarespace this further the ease-of-use
34:11and it’s fast to upload and change
34:15things by wrap around Mitchell Chad Rowe
34:18DICOM slash photo for all your graphic
34:21design in this last round we call it our
34:24wrap up round
34:26Jarett so can you leave us with three
34:28main takeaways for the audience really
34:31leverage your time as money and time and
34:33money originally I had actually had this
34:36pitch competition that I needed a
34:38website for and I sat down all weekend
34:41and I learned HTML and I coated my
34:43entire website myself terrible decision
34:46terrible use of time and money but you
34:50know you could you could say you could
34:51you know you can put that on your resume
34:52you know you know how to do HTML true it
34:56was a good learning experience from that
34:58but also learning how to manage time and
35:02so time management saves you money
35:05efficient and effectiveness and what’s
35:07your what’s your second takeaway for the
35:08audio don’t be wasteful as it art up
35:11don’t be wasteful be resourceful that’s
35:14why we’re all into resources ever really
35:18don’t time is money you don’t want to
35:19waste time there’s always someone out
35:21there that’s competing against you you
35:23know whether it’s the exact same product
35:24or a similar thing there’s opportunities
35:29that will come to pass you really just
35:31don’t want to waste
35:32get out there and do it and three I’d
35:35say perseverance is probably the most
35:37important thing for succeeding in
35:41anything in life especially a start-up
35:44there’s lots of highs and lows and you
35:48know times where you’re saying yeah I’m
35:50on top of the world and sometimes where
35:52you’re like and things aren’t going so
35:54well maybe I should quit it’s about not
35:57quitting it’s about learning from your
35:59failures and moving on and seeing the
36:02light at the end of the tunnel really to
36:03keep you going through it all how are
36:10people going to stay in contact with we
36:12can be reached through our website
36:14emergency information systems at I’m
36:18sorry emergency information systems comm
36:22we’re also on social media Instagram
36:25Facebook if the websites the best way to
36:28get that in hole to get a hold of us
36:30message there’s a portal to do that
36:31there as well ya know in closing what is
36:34your philosophy on balancing business
36:36family and life I’d say the family is
36:42always first family is always always
36:46first there’ll be there’ll be things
36:49there’ll be meetings there’ll be pitches
36:51that come up that you need to take care
36:55of but you need to taking care of your
36:57family first there have been a lot of
37:00situations in pitching especially in
37:03last year where maybe I’ve got a missed
37:06class to do this now managing life
37:14that’s perfect I mean I don’t I’m trying
37:18to think of how I want to word things
37:19I’m sorry that that’s perfectly fun I
37:22think you’re doing awesome and you know
37:23that that that number one takeaway was
37:26priceless people are going to get a
37:28whole lot out of it I just figured that
37:30now that you’ve had a few minutes to
37:32think about it you know the second and
37:34third take away doesn’t it can be very
37:36pithy you know it could be very short
37:38and succinct and to the point that I
37:40think would be most helpful to the
37:42audience just to kind of take away from
37:44but that number one was was was classic
37:49okay we said don’t waste time I say
37:55don’t waste time and don’t waste my
37:57agency two different ones but really
37:59there you go don’t don’t waste money
38:01it’s going to comes right down to it
38:04it’s being resourceful and as a young
38:07entrepreneur startup with limited
38:10resources you have to find creative ways
38:14of doing things and so that’s why we’re
38:16always talking about leveraging the
38:18resources that we have and looking
38:20around for for additional ones that we
38:23can look to to leverage Jared I’ve
38:25really thoroughly enjoyed our
38:27conversation I want to thank you so very
38:29much for coming on I also appreciate
38:32that iTunes recommendation that you
38:35wrote us so I want to really thank you
38:37so very much about that and we’re really
38:40looking forward to to hearing your
38:43continued success I want to find out
38:45about you know how you’re doing in the
38:47Philadelphia in the Bucks County and
38:48Montgomery County market which is local
38:50to us here of course the podcast goes
38:53all over the nation so thanks again and
38:55we wish you really the best you’ll
38:57you’ll stay in touch I’m sure absolutely
39:00Mitchell thanks so much for having me
39:02it’s been a pleasure take care now bye
39:05bye bye bye in closing let me have for
39:10my listeners help first please subscribe
39:12to my email list at Mitchell Chad Road
39:15comm slash sign up you will get all the
39:18full interview transcripts my ebook 30
39:20tools to start up where I talk about
39:22these free resources in show 0:06
39:26you’ll get the startup checklist
39:27education and training material
39:29and other resources just by signing up
39:31at Mitchell chadroy comm slash sign up
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40:15until next time

The post Emergency Information Systems Product Designer Developer Jared Therrien Show 051 was re-published on

Emergency Information Systems Product Designer Developer Jared Therrien Show 051

Recommendation by Jared Therrien

Inspirational + Motivational Show

“I started ‘listening up’ when I heard a few Drexel classmates and professors were interviewed by Mitchell. After listening to their stories, I ended up listening to over 20+ episodes while driving to job sites for my own start-up. Hearing other entrepreneurs’ stories and struggles are extremely motivating. The show makes you think critically about your own journey. I have applied the advice learned on this show to my business and will surely continue to listen.” Listenup to my interview with Jared via

We are interviewing Jared Therrien on today’s Show 051

Jared is the founder of Emergency Information Systems, LLC
The company offers decal and hardware products which increase the situational awareness of emergency responders throughout incidents in high-occupancy buildings.

When you listenup to the show what are a few things that you will learn:

1) How Emergency Information Systems designs, develops and sells their products.
2) The importance of reducing emergency response times by providing missing information during an incident to responding personnel.
3) How to see a problem then ask yourself specific questions that will help your end user solve their issues!
4) How to find your customer

The single most important piece of information that emergency response personnel need to know. Jared tells us –

how the company solves this problem

the manufacturing process and the best materials used for the products and discusses the companies two main products:

WAYFINDER™ Safety System



WAYFINDER™ Window Appliques are a stylish wayfinding option. Vinyl creates a modern look and makes a great addition to any renovation project. We use a reflective film to frost the entire window and then cut large numbers out of the film. This option also increases privacy on ground-floor windows.

Windows are great points of access and egress for school buildings, but without proper markings, they cannot be used effectively during emergency situations. Campus security experts around the country recommend placing decals in classroom windows, indicating which window belongs to each classroom. This helps response crews to gather important information about the incident location and increase situational awareness, speeding egress from windows and operations overall.

WAYFINDER™ Reflective Numeral Decals are highly visible. They are the only inside-glass mount/interior-installation reflective decals on the market. The high-intensity Prismatic film is used to increase visibility and durability, ensuring proper exterior wayfinding for your school for years to come.

What makes WAYFINDER™ Decals different?

Taking into account the principles of Environmental Graphic Design, which blends elements of the interior, architectural, and wayfinding/navigational design, we have optimized our decals to best serve the functional needs of first responders and the aesthetic needs of the school customer.

The products provide a high visibility reflective vinyl – ensuring maximum visibility at all times of the day and night, and in all weather conditions. Our decals are made of a premium-grade retro-reflective vinyl.

EIS proudly make all their decal products out of the highest quality vinyl films and materials available on the market.

The Wayfinder product is both durable and attractive. The window appliques DURABLE & ATTRACTIVE provide a modern look to schools while increasing safety. These beautiful decals often outlast their 10-year rated life, resisting damage and fading caused by constant sunlight exposure. Strong, permanent adhesives prevent peeling and vandalism.

Funding & Grant Opportunities

One of the goals at EIS is to reduce emergency response times and save lives. The company acknowledges that budgets are tight and funding is hard to come by. To make their school security and wayfinding products affordable for everyone, they price their products competitively. Additionally, they have prepared a list of School & Campus Security grants and funding resources to help offset these costs. Jared suggests that you should check with your local and state governments for grant opportunities.

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